Thursday, February 2, 2012

Physical miracle

There was once a man
whose life fell apart
and he went running- to run as far as he could, with the intent to run to death
He passed the breaking point
and collapsed into exhaustion
then woke up, furious that he was still alive
So the next night
he went out to run again
Only this time, he began to feel the joy of it.. the adrenaline, the perspective, the health..
and he ran and ran
and the following evening ran again, just to run.. because he now wanted to live.

There was once another man
whose wife left him, who went bankrupt, whose car flipped over and put him in the hospital with serious injuries, who didn't know if he could ever enter the work force again, much less support himself, and on top of that worried over his struggling son day after day..
but he started walking
he began to walk 15 miles daily
his life was pure chaos..
yet he was happy.
And one day, walking, he ran into a pair of sister missionaries.. and when we came over and the landlady
screamed at us- he protected us. He changed our lives. His very existence was inexplicably profound, no doubt the work of the Lord whom he already loved so much.. he was divinely led to the gospel of Jesus Christ.. and we had the privilege of seeing him enter the waters of baptism.

Exercise works.